All bets are off in the new normal, but…
What will the world look like when we return to “normal”? That’s the question that’s driving broadband thinking as we begin to take the first tentative steps out of the COVID-19 tunnel. For all broadband providers – whether they’ve committed to #BroadbandFirst...
What’s the strategy to deal with increased upstream usage?
Like the genie out of the bottle or the toothpaste out of the tube, there’s no going back now that consumers have discovered the true connective power of broadband. Monthly usage run rates of 460 GB per subscriber are putting new pressure on operator networks as...
Distancing? It’s today’s best option for customer care
Broadband consumption is soaring. Usage limits are being waived. And subscribers are using Wi-Fi connected devices for a host of business, educational and entertainment purposes. If ever there was a perfect storm for new thinking around customer care needs, this is...