Today’s increasing trend of “big data growth” does not show any signs of slowing down. In fact, with live streaming on an accelerating rise, and the amount of data being produced to the way in which it’s structured and used, this growth is expanding at unprecedented rates. And although this trend may present some challenges, it also offers tremendous business opportunities. To this end, many broadband providers who recognize that monetizing the data traffic growth is necessary and inevitable, have moved to usage-based, or metered, billing strategies for their High Speed Data (HSD) products.
However, other providers still sit on the sidelines hesitant to make a change and fearful of the potential for negative consequences of metered billing, including slowing subscriber growth. Therefore, this Case Study looks at the effects of metered billing on HSD subscriber growth.

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

The 12-month chart above also indicates that subscriber growth resumes in the months following the launch of metered billing. The 2 charts below take a look at the 5 month growth trend prior to launch and the 5 month growth trend starting in the 3rd month post launch.
case study 3
case study 4